Sunday, April 8, 2012


Came along you that made me head over hill
You were sweet and made me melted
I was very happy when you sweet-talk me
I was so naïve that I fell in you

You walked me on a rainbow
That I didn’t know it was built on lies
Stupid me I hoped to much
That this beautiful thing would happen to me

I should’ve known that was just a dream
You had showed your truth
But I closed my eyes
Fool me kept on coming back
And let myself hurt again

It hurt I knew, but I loved you too much to let you go
When you finally had gone and never come back
Without any words left to say goodbye,
I woke up from my dream and came back to stand on my feet

I wish you luck with your life
Whatever wherever you are now
 I’m gonna find someone better than you
That’s for sure I’ll do