Monday, June 11, 2012

Europe series - the transit KLIA

 Since days before, I was packing my backpack (well, actually it’s not mine, but Tisa’s – Thank you so much!), but never finished. The night before going on the trip, I had to sleep late at night for finishing packing. Sigghh..  Trying to be organized never work for me.

Finally, all were packed. I looked at my two bags, big one (12.9 kg) and smaller (I don’t know how much the weight is), and tried to carry them, on on the back, the smaller I carried in the front. OOohh, so heavy! Great, this is the load I will be carrying for 28 days. With the gravity theory, I will be shorter after this trip.
I left my super messy room  at the same time with Tiwi at 7.15. She’s going to Rezy’s house, while I was heading to Damri bus station. Waking up at 5.20 am, I was nervously ready for my trip, first time having long trip by myself (usually I go with Dini, Tisa or others).  I took 7.30am bus to Soekarno-Hatta airport. As usual, by the time my butt touched the flat soft surface, I fell asleep at once.

My bags and I before in the beginning.

Waking up at around 8.45, and found out that we were still at the toll road to the airport. There was bad traffic. Luckily I still had more than 2 hours before my flight to Kuala Lumpur boarded. I got to 2D terminal safe and sound and still had some times to go to the rest room and updating status J.

When I was on the plane, I couldn’t help but inspecting the passengers who some of them were still turning on their phone. Remembering Sukhoi tragedy, I was freaking out and kept praying. When will these people realize that what they are doing is very dangerous?

Thank God, the plane landed safe. I arrived at KLIA at 14.45 (Malaysian time, +1 hour of Jakarta time), then got lost when looking for the baggage claim. Apparently in KLIA, we have to go in a monorail to get to the baggage section. Ok, I got off and looking at the signs leading to the baggage claim, to find out that there were so many baggage rails. I tried to find the one with Lion air’s load, but couldn’t find it. I started to become panic. Luckily I met the family who were in the same flight from Jakarta. Phew, it was far in the H section.

Got the bag... still heavy. Contemplating what to do next, go to KL or just wait in the airport. Considering the traffic, the hustle, weather and the probability I would get lost, I decided to stay in the airport. I wanted to eat Nasi Lemak while in Malaysia, but they didn’t have it in Food Garden. So, I had my favourite food ever, Nasi goreng and telur dadar, plus the tarik.

The waiting continued, I got online, did some internet stuff with free wifi KLIA provided for 3 hours limits, was exploring the airport a bit and tried to stay away from shops.  And stuck in a food court without internet access just because I need to recharge my netbook.
It’s getting colder, and I changed to my longer pants. Hopefully it won’t be this cold in the plane. 

2 hours before the boarding time, i managed to eat nasi lemak.. yay! But it didn't taste that good since i ate it in hurry. And i forgot my tooth brush, tooth paste and my hat are in the big bag.

Tomorrow when i wake up, i'll be in another continent. Yay!

Au Revoir

Salah satu teman baikku, sahabatku, Detty, pulang ke Jogja hari ini, for good. Kami akan bisa bertemu lagi sangat lama, saat aku pulang ke Ambarawa dan aku mampir Jogja. Biasanya tiap hari kami selalu bersama, berangkat kerja, masak, makan pagi, pulang kerja juga. Tiap hari kulalui dengan dirinya.

Detty, anak yang selalu tertawa dan gila itu tidak akan tinggal serumah lagi denganku. Sedih sekali, tapi semua ini untuk kebaikan masing-masing. Dia akhirnya bisa bersama suami tercintanya, yang selama berpisah telah membuat Detty sedih dan sakit-sakitan.

Satu lagi yang kebersamaannya akan kurindukan adalah Tiwi. Dia akan menempuh hidup baru bersama seorang laki-laki (untunglah!) bernama Rezy. Tapi kami masih akan bertemu karena dia akan tinggal di Jakarta (Yes!). Tidak ada lagi kamar sebelah yang selalu bisa ditongkrongin dimana orangnya ngomel tapi kami tetap cuekin (dia sebenarnya suka kalau Detty dan aku datang ke kamar, tapi Tiwi sok jual mahal).

Memang selalu ada perpisahan dalam hidup ini. itu yang membuat kita kuat dan berharap untuk bertemu kembali. Tiba-tiba jadi ingat lagu: "What doesn't kill you make you stronger...."-nya Kelly Clarkson.

Paling tidak, masih ada Tisa yang akan tinggal lebih dekat dan akan kujadikan tempat curhat. Hmm... apa sebaiknya aku tinggal sekos sama dia, ya? Jadi kalau stres oleh pekerjaan bisa melampiaskan ke dia? Bisa merencanakan the next trips juga. Yahooo!